The answer is Yes, if they’re willing to give up their modern way of life and hold fast to the rules of the Amish Church, Ordnung. However, it’s a difficult transition. Changes would have to be made such as learning the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch language of the Amish, changing to the simple way of dressing and living, and giving up most of the modern conveniences. Anyone can join the Amish faith but it is rarely done. The church has to be shown good faith in an individual and normally there is a meeting of the elders to deicide. The community has to all be on board for it to work.
PS: Three words "No Air Conditioning" #AllAboutAmish by #MissouriAmsih ![]() Monday would have been my Mom’s 79th Birthday. My Brother, Edward & his wife, Dawn were able to come down on Saturday for a visit and lunch. It was great because all my children were able to make it. Nothing beats a great family get together. It felt as if our Mom/Grandma was there enjoying herself. We all miss her so much. I started to think how important birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, baby showers, and graduations are to families. So, we want to do something for you. Let us know about your important dates and you will get a surprise. Thank you for letting us being a part of your life. God Bless you and your family. Kyle & Laura ![]() Most of the Amish will use modern medicine, after they have tried all of their home remedies without success. For example one of my Amish friends, Ed, had an accident with his horse and buggy. The horse was young and not use to pulling without another horse. While being passed on a gravel road by a car, his horse bolted, crashed the buggy, and ejected Ed out of the front of the buggy and over the horse into the ditch. Don’t worry about the horse, she is fine and only suffered minor injuries. Ed told me that the mare had been skittish all morning and that he shouldn’t have taken her out that day. However, Ed did not fare as well. If you could imagine, Ed, Horse, and Buggy would have been travelling at almost 20 mph when all of a sudden the horse started to gallop then veer off into a deep ditch which caused the horse to go down with the buggy to follow. Without a seatbelt or airbags for safety, Ed broke through a small plastic window over the horse into the ditch. He stumbled up and cut free the horse. A neighbor found the horse and came to Ed’s aide. Please note that Ed is 65 years old and the father of eight children. Ed told me that the first week that his wife and a community elder which has many years of knowledge of the healing practices could not figure out why Ed could not do his work without major pain. An English neighbor took Ed to a Chiropractor for an adjustment. It seemed that Ed had a pinched nerve in his back. Since the Amish don’t have health insurance, they combine efforts and funding to cover medical expenses for any member of their community in need of financial assistance. Each community appoints a leader for their mutual aid fund. #AllAboutAmish by #MissouriAmsih As you know on some past Sundays we talked about how the Amish Church Service is conducted.
Their clergy preach powerful, emotional messages, often moving about since many of the congregation will be seated in different rooms of the home. Ministers present their message in a chanting, sing-song manner, in the Pennsylvania German dialect, with scriptures in High German. Scriptures are followed by brief minister messages, prayer and more songs. After the religious service concludes, the rooms are cleared of people and some of the benches are converted into tables so that a light lunch can be served. Because of limited space, men and women eat in shifts, oldest through youngest, and usually in separate rooms. The meal may consist of coffee, bread, "church spread" (a combination of peanut butter and marshmallow), jam, apple butter, red beets, pickles, cheese, and sometimes snitz (dried apple) pie. Social time follows the meal. This is a great time to get caught up with what is going on locally and nationally. #AllAboutAmish by #MissouriAmsih An early Swiss Anabaptist named Jakob Ammann, was a man who had some controversial teachings which caused a division in the Mennonite church in Europe. He taught his followers to live non-resistant lives, care for the community, work the land, and accurately follow the Bible. He believed strongly in the practice of excommunication. Jakob Ammann became the namesake of the Amish religious movement.
The Amish began immigrating to North America in the early 1700s, first settling in Pennsylvania. There are now almost 300,000 Amish people living in over 28 states. After 1850, a rift developed between those who accepted elements of modernization, or the "new order," and the "old order," now referred to as the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church #AllAboutAmish by #MissouriAmsih The Amish forbid their members to be in pictures because their society values humility with their members; thus one should not draw interest to themselves above others. Posing for photos or knowingly participating in getting their picture taken is prohibited.
Another reason for avoiding pictures is Biblical. The Second Commandment in the Bible says, “Thou shalt not make any graven image or any likeness of anything.” This is in the book of Exodus. The Amish above all believe that it is important not break any of the 10 Commandments of the Bible. Now, some people will say, “But, I have seen many pictures of Amish?” Again the Ordnung (The rules for Living Amish) is not all the same for all Amish Communities especially in more liberal churches. Once an Amish is baptized as an adult, they must strictly follow the Ordnung of their community. Those who break the rules are strongly reprimanded. If you notice all of the pictures that I take are from a long distance shot. I do my best to not get identifiable faces because I do not want to offend my friends. #AllAboutAmish by #MissouriAmsih |
AuthorKyle G. Smith Archives
May 2015
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